Hen lyfrau Cymraeg o'r 19G
Newydd ddod ar draws Old Welsh Books. Gŵr o Awstralia yn cyfieithu hen lyfrau Cymraeg i'r Saesneg. Mae'n anelu cyfieithu 5 llyfr, i gyd i wenud a theithio i'r 'Byd Newydd' hyd y gwela i, ac mae wedi cwbwhau y cyntaf sef Hanes Mordaith o amgylch y Ddaear.
There are a great many 19th century and earlier books/texts in the beautiful Welsh language which as far as I know have never been made available to the public in a decent English translation. Many of these I believe could be of some interest to at least a few modern readers.
On this site I'm (very slowly) constructing translations of a few such texts (the original Welsh is included). They're far from perfect, but I hope they're at least readable.