Swyddog Iaith Ynys Manaw
Ddim yn gwbod y gair cywir, ai 'Iaith Manaw' neu 'Manaweg' ydi o yn Gymraeg? Ta beth mae Rosemary Derbyshire yw'r swyddog iaith newydd.
a doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod bod ysgol cyfrwng Manaweg yn bodoli;
Diolch i Daithí
In 1992 the Manx Language Unit was formed and in 1999 Mrs Derbyshire joined its team of peripatetic teachers.
She said: 'The tide has definitely turned as far as the teaching of Manx in schools is concerned. Since the programme was introduced in 1992 it has gone from strength to strength.'
There are now 850 children having weekly Manx lessons.
a doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod bod ysgol cyfrwng Manaweg yn bodoli;
Children at the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, the Manx medium school in St John's, have all their lessons in Manx.
Diolch i Daithí